Category Archives: Inner Reflection

Misunderstood and Different

Ever say or do something that was completely interpreted the wrong way?  Ever was not able to make yourself clear and understood?  Ever not even understand yourself?  Ever been told you are wrong without a second thought?  Ever felt like you were smashed to the ground, perhaps for being different in some way, shape, or form?  This is where I find myself quite often these days.  It is amazing how the sight of one can be so far off the sght of another.  There are times where incidents like these happen by sheer accident.  There are times where incidents like these happen for lack of even trying.  There are times where incidents like these happen because the other must be right and on top.  Of course, there are many other reasons that things like this can happen.  Do others see this happening in the world?

What are the effects of this on a person?  It tends to be more than one usually thinks it is.  Like I said in the last post, our language (verbal and non-verbal) have such powerful influence on the people around us.  We lack the ability to listen.  Then, not only if we listen, but then do we take in and consider what is being said to us?

How does someone respond to something like this in their life?

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Posted by on August 10, 2012 in Inner Reflection


Only Sounds

One thing that has always amazed me is language.  This has especially hit me on my trip to Italy.  I had the advantage of having studied italian while with the sisters in formation, therefore I was able to understand a decent amount though I struggled to speak.  The thing is, that did not stop me from understanding the other.

I spent so much time in my travels, including the airport, listening to the sounds that people make creating words.  How is it that we came to speak as we did in all the different ways that we do?  It was so beautiful to just marvel at the languages that I heard.

When people do not understand fully the other, the non-verbal interactions came out strong.  Just the simple smile and other gestures make all communication possible.  Again, it was beautiful.  As I traveled and saw the sights of Italy that I did see, I also looked at people and how they responded to the holy places and gorgeous places that we saw.  There is just something different in that which I really love.

Sometimes it is not really the sounds we make out of our mouths that make the difference and truly touch another, but we can’t disredit the words as well.  How we speak, verbally and no-verbally, makes a difference in the lives of those around us.  Seeing the beauty of language in many forms while traveling to holy places inspires me to be aware of how I am as well.  It also gives me a deeper respect for thedifferent languages, verbal and non-verbal.  What power we hold.  What do we do with it?

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Posted by on August 10, 2012 in Inner Reflection, Travels


The Perfect Quote

It has been quite a while since I have posted here on my blog and there is so many things that I could share with all of you.  In brief, this is what is new.  I am not with the sisters but plan on going back if God really wants me there; there are many things I need to work on and bars I need to reach.  I have gone to Italy for three weeks to stay with my aunt.  Actually, only two really big things.  It is hard for me to be living with my parents as I am ready to be out and doing God’s will for me, but it is the step I need to take to move on.  Also known as, I am looking for a job.  In the middle of all of this, there is a lot of reflection and prayer trying to figure out where my life is going in this moment.

Okay, so I was looking around for a quote to post as my status and I came across this one. It actually is so very perfect for this blog, the title of it, and in all essence of it…me.  Here it is.

“The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.”
— Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

Amazing, huh?  I thought so.  Sometimes it is very hard ot believe, but it is true if I step back and look at everything in my life.  I am trying to find myself out of the depths in the midst of keeping myself from falling further.  It is perfect and what I need to remind myself of the good things to come.

With that, be asured that there will be more postings and reflections stemming from since I have been home (May 16th) and elsewise.  God bless you all.  I am happy to be back in this realm. 🙂

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Posted by on August 9, 2012 in Inner Reflection


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God’s Word

Reflection on God’s Word is a HUGE part of living in a Salesian convent, as I have learned in my time there.  It is something I really miss, sharing what the Holy Spirit inspires in me and hearing what comes from the reflections of others.  A dear friends of mine who has also tasted Salesian life has come up with a brilliant plan.  She and I are now in charge of a new blog together.  You can click here to check it out.

We post the Sunday readings, and perhaps more things once we get moving on it, and then you the reader comes and shares in reflection with us.  Community in this aspect is so nurturing to one’s faith life.  Please come and check us out!  We would love to have you.

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Posted by on June 8, 2012 in Inner Reflection, Living Salesian


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Simply Pray

People always say pray hard, pray like you have never prayed before.  Why not simply pray?  Sometimes one is not able to do anything but simply pray in the face of what is going on in their lives, especially in those heartbroken moments.  Even that can be a struggle.  Prayer is special, different for each person, that conversation with God.  Why not simply pray?

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Posted by on May 28, 2012 in Inner Reflection


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Feel Love


This is so adorable, and very true. We need to feel love, not know it. Knowing love doesn’t mean it exists. To have love existing, we need to feel it. Perhaps where the struggle then comes in. If we could express and share love, more people could feel it. Some time the love can feel lacking. I know what that is like. This on the flip side we must remember that God holds the ultimate love. That truly must be felt if we are to survive.


Posted by on April 28, 2012 in Inner Reflection


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Your Bread

A friend of mine posted this quote on her facebook page and I had to share it here.

“For in this you will prove yourself truly a friend in you refresh your friend’s hunger with your bread.  Your bread is Christ, your bread is your charity, your bread is your prayer, your bread is remorse expressed in your tears, by which you wash away not only your own sins but the those of your friends. ” Fr. Adam of Persighe


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Posted by on April 26, 2012 in Being Catholic, Inner Reflection


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Lenten Wilderness

“The wilderness will lead you to your heart where I will speak.”

Hello wilderness, here I come, ever more deep into you and away from the world. Teach me in the silence and in the depths of my being, undistracted by the world we live in. Help me to separate from that which I must separate in this time of more intense prayer. Guide me to the way of holiness that I strive for in each sacrifice made, both now and forever more.

I pray that Lent may be fruitful for you and bring you closer to the one who loves you most and holds you close. He will be with you as you travel with Him, striving for holiness.


Posted by on February 21, 2012 in Inner Reflection


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Mary Mazzarello Thought of the Day


Let us do good as long as we can.  Never get discouraged with any difficulties you meet.  Always say: Just must be all my strength.  And with Jesus, burdens become light, fatigue softens, and thorns turn into sweetness.  But you must overcome yourselves, or else everything become insufferable.

Mary, strong and gentle, pray for us.

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Posted by on February 13, 2012 in Inner Reflection, Living Salesian


God’s Will

What could possibly be more important than doing what God will’s for you, even if it is the hardest thing you could ever do?

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Posted by on February 5, 2012 in Inner Reflection